According to Kathleen Miller, a senior research scientist at the Research Institute on Addictions at the University at Buffalo, combining energy drinks with heavy exertion can leave you severely dehydrated. But the diuretic effect that comes with energy drinks makes it a miserably bad option for any activity that will make you sweat, since it will cause you to lose water much faster than usual. Like Monster or Rockstar energy drinks, Red Bull is promoted as a magical elixir that propels you to new physical heights, an accessory to the "extreme" lifestyle of skateboarders and dirt bikers. "If you're looking for more than that, you should be looking into your sleep or training protocol. "For my clients, I say two eight-ounce coffees a day, maximum," Stacy Moutafis, personal trainer, nutritionist and owner of SM Fitness, told Mic.
So if you're spending lots of money on organic foods, chances are you aren't even getting their benefits if you pair them with coffee. 2 reason: Its laxative qualities can evacuate your guts before the food inside has had the chance to be absorbed, according to rheumatologist Dr. It's been known to increase symptoms associated with anxiety and trigger irritable bowel syndrome and acid reflux.

Yet aside from the rare but still existent possibility of a caffeine overdose, coffee, especially crappy coffee, comes with some red flags. Research suggests it's even better for you if you're drinking cold brew. For the most part, coffee is fine, and can be beneficial to your health, according to a 2012 study in the New England Journal of Medicine.